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Shooting Habits

This is a 60 minute session designed to improve your shooting form. We start from teaching you the correct technique and footwork, assist in gaining confidence in your shot and increasing accuracy of your shooting in game situations.

Inside Finishes

This is a 30 minute, high intensity session that tests your ability to productively execute finishes at the basket. You will be pushed to your limits both physically and mentally as this session runs after the Jump Program. Gain more moves and get stronger at playing through contact in the key


This is a 30 minute session to assist in gaining strength and patience when in the key, low post and high post positions. Creating physical barriers and teaching footwork from the post will help create more scoring opportunities in your game. 

3pt Shooting

This is a 30 minute session to assist in gaining accuracy of your shot while at range. Drills are all based around increasing your 3pt percentage by giving you the correct tools for your shooting form at this distance.

Handles & Elite Handles

This is a 30 minute session to enhance your ball handling skills through basic to challenging drills and focusing on becoming a stronger and more confident ball handler in game situations. The Elite session will do all the above, but start at an advanced level and push you to the next level of skills and ball control.

Elite Shooting

This is a 60 minutes session designed to expand your shooting and take your shot selection (decision making) to a whole new level. This is for Representative Players ONLY as it is high intensity, in game scenario's,  developing a wider range, and increasing accuracy and speed of your shot

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